This young man is Jean Richard. He is one of the older boys at our Love A Child Children’s Home. He has been with us since the earthquake in 2010. He was living in an orphanage for disabled children when the earthquake hit, and the orphanage collapsed. He has a crippling physical disability, which may be cerebral palsy. He is a good student, has a great attitude and is an excellent musician on the keyboard. He is also teaching music to some of our younger boys. We asked him what he wants to do as a career and he said, “a fabricator.” A fabricator would be someone who makes and designs something, like his walker. He is always thinking of how to do something “even better.” About two years ago, he received a tri-bike, which he rides to school, and rides all around our Love A Child compound. It is a great way for him to strengthen his legs. He knows he can be “anything he wants to be,” as long as the Lord is in control of his life! Bobby and Sherry

Update on Jean Richard: 5-19-18 8:30 PM
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