Yesterday, I shared a story about a mother who tried to walk down from the mountains of Peyi Pouri… She was pregnant with twins, and one “was about ready to come!” Our Pinzgauers had already gone up to take medicines, etc., for our upcoming Mobile Medical Clinic. They met Madamn Joulen on the way. She began to have “one baby en route,” and when the cord came out she tied the cord around her flip flop sandal because she “didn’t want the baby to go back inside!!” She made it to our Birthing Center where our midwives delivered the other twin!
Today, some family members walked down from Peyi Pouri to help carry the twins back up and get Madamn Joulen home to Peyi Pouri, as well.
In the meantime, another lady from Peyi Pouri came to our clinic to have her “twins!” The “midwives” in Peyi Pouri (NOT PROFESSIONALS) had given this woman a HOT SPICY TEA. The tea was so strong that Nixon said, “Her female parts were horribly swollen from the front to the back!” They have all kinds of “old wives’ tales” and superstitions they use when women have their babies, and it almost kills them!!!
I read some of the comments on the post… One young lady wanted to see our “curriculum,” but we don’t have one because many mothers cannot read. However, we have the BEST MIDWIVES in Haiti, and they are the ones who teach. Anyone wanting to visit our Birthing Center or us must be very careful. Each day, anyone coming from the Port-au-Prince area to our area will have their lives endangered by gangs, especially the Papaya Gang! Do not come to Haiti unless you are “Mission Critical!” Police are not protecting us at all. So to those who are thinking of visiting, don’t come until there is “security” in the country! You must be “called” to Haiti!! Sherry
P.S. To the gentleman who made the comment about the “men,” I say this… Women do not have any choice to say “no” here in Haiti. The men control their women. That’s why “birth control” is so important. So many women have poor health from having too many children. Having a lot of children is a sign of “manhood” here in Haiti. You must understand the culture of the country you are working in.