We first saw Miliana when we were filming our Love A Child television program in the village of Madamn Bauje, a poor village of mud and stick huts.
After finishing part of the program I looked to see a poor little girl walking through the bushes by herself. She held her head down and was twisting a dirty ribbon on her shirt. She had nerve damage to one side of her face and constantly chewed on her hand. Her skin was horrible!! She had large growths everywhere! We felt that she would die if we left her in this village. Her aunt allowed us to take her in. She also seemed to have a horrible skin fungus on her face and hands.
When we arrived back and got her to a doctor she was worse than we had imagined! Since then, we have had to send her to a dermatologist twice, in the states. He did give her medication but really, nothing can be done for her. The growths look like little “tree trunks,” and they are all over her body. We have tried everything. We have to keep long-sleeved t-shirts and tights, or long pants on her.
She is now 15 and in 7th grade. The kids love Miliana because she is so nice and kind to everyone. She never complains. She loves to cook and sing! She is a little shy, but she wants to play with her sisters! She really loves the Lord! We pray that things will work out for Miliana and that she will find her place in life! We love her!!! Sherry