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Update on Nelson

Update on Nelson

It was about 5:30 AM this morning when I had to go outside and let our dog Sampson out. There was little Nelson, working hard, cleaning the truck, and giving it a super ”spit-shine!” He was very particular with his work, and when I told him what a good job he did he smiled “from ear to ear!”

It was not that long ago when we were in the village of “Old Letant,” and saw that tiny, naked little boy sitting on his “knees” on the dirty ground. There was a large hog beside him, and the Haitian sun was beating down. His father, steeped in Voodoo, cared nothing about him. His parents thought he was “stupid” because he could not stand, and he could not walk or talk. They were hoping that he would “die.”

I grabbed him up naked and dirty and went to talk to his mother. I said, “Your son will die unless you give him to me.” She said, “Take him… take him.” And we quickly climbed into the truck.

After about a year, Nelson could not only stand, but he was running! And, he was talking! And soon, he was in school! He is a hard worker, loves to play soccer, and is “smart as a whip” in school. He loves to work, play and eat! No telling what God has in store for him!!! We all love this kid! Sherry

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