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Update On Roselyne

Update On Roselyne

This young lady “eats, sleeps, and thinks about medical things,” all day long. This is Roselyne. We have had her since she was a young girl, maybe 11 or 12. We found her in the mountains during a Mobile Medical Clinic and her parents asked us to find a doctor who could help her. Her legs were crooked making it hard for her to walk.

At that time, we did not have a medical clinic, and finding a doctor to help was difficult. We sent her to several places, one said she would need surgery and another said she would need braces. But God had His hand upon her. As she grew her legs straightened out, and she soon fell in love with the medical field.

She is now attending Universite Lumiere with classes set to resume shortly. In the meantime, she volunteers at the Jesus Healing Center doing anything she can to learn in her spare time. All of the doctors and nurses love Roselyne and love having her volunteer. We have always taught our “Love A Child” children to dream big, serve God, and be kind to the poorest of the poor.

Thank you partners who have invested in our college fund. When you change “one life,” you change many!

God bless you,


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