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Update on the Jesus Healing Center

Earlier today I gave you some updated pictures/reports of the progress of the new Jesus Healing Center. We are praying and hoping we can open by mid-January 2021.

I felt within my heart to share some needs we have for the Jesus Healing Center. These are very important. We are actually needing $125,000 for vital lab equipment to help save lives.

Here are the most urgent needs inside that we need to purchase now:

1) SYSMEX XP 300 Hematology Analyzer- $11,000

2) Urine Analyzer u120 insight- $325.00

3) Centrifuge, 24 tubes, already- $1500.00

4) 4- Pipettes, 10-00ui, Socorex- $1200

5) 2- Needle Destroyers- $300

All five pieces together come to a total of $14,325.00

Two more very important needs:

2- Phillips C X 50 Portable Ultrasounds- $18,000. Refurbished each.

Please contact the office on Monday (Rad) 239-210-6107 or let me know here in Haiti. Thank you for your prayers and help. We are almost there! These poor people of this area and the interior breaks our heart.

Bobby and Sherry Burnette


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