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Update on Ti Mika

Update on Ti Mika

Ti Mika, “Little Mika.”

It’s hard to believe this little baby has grown up to be 14, a teenager. She is so sweet and always has a smile. She is “all girl,” but “tough as nails” when playing soccer!

She is always up early, cleaning and helping to disinfect everything… making her bed, and doing regular chores. If you notice her smile, her upper teeth have a problem… they stick out too far, so soon we will have to take her to a dentist in the D.R. for braces, or whatever he suggests.

Ti Mika was found when we were filming a “Feeding Program” for television. We were in a poor village and out of the corner of my eye, I saw an elderly grandma with a tiny baby in her arms. The baby was dirty, malnourished, and with red hair that was “straw-like”. The grandma had a small handful of rice, feeding her. Then, all of a sudden, the grandma put her down on the ground and left. I watched to see if anyone would pick her up, go and get food for her, and change her diaper, but nothing. She just sat there on the ground in the heat of the sun.

The Lord spoke to my heart that day about her and one other little girl. He said, “If you leave them here, they will die.” That’s all He said. And with that, I whisked her up in my arms and went to find the grandma. She said, “yes, take her,” and we did. And, we took the second child. It is hard to believe Ti Mika will be in 8th grade and wants to study agriculture. She will probably change her mind, but for now, she is blessed and happy!


P.S. A few years ago I took a nice framed picture of her to the grandma. She was laying on a straw mat on the ground… dying. When I handed her the picture, tears rolled down her face and she said, “Now, I can die in peace.”

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