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Update on Travel

Sherry and I landed in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, yesterday afternoon. Today we will be attending the funeral of Reverend Dr. Roy Smith, the pastor of Shrewsbury Gospel Temple. Dr. Roy was a long-time dear friend and was on the board of directors of Love A Child. He was such an inspiration and man of God. He was full of wisdom and love. We will miss you, my dear friend… he has been promoted!

This week, we fly to Fort Myers, Florida, for 4 days, to attend our Love A Child board meeting. Sunday the 10th, we speak at Pastor Ostrander’s church in Palm Bay, Florida. Two days later, we will be speaking in a factory in Florida. From there, we will be flying to Texas to attend our daughter’s graduation from medical school! The day after, we will return to Haiti. Please pray for safe travels. Can’t wait to return to Haiti!

Bobby and Sherry Burnette

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