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Update on Wilguens “Jacque”

Wilguens “Jacque” (Alias, Grandpa)

Wilguens is one of the sweetest but strangest little guys we have! He is very unusual. For one thing, I can never find him, but he is there! He is now 10 years old and in the 5th grade. Wilguens is tall for his age. In the picture, he has a nice new shirt on, but the way he is standing, he looks like an old man!

Wilguens loves to play with his brothers. He learns quickly and also loves to read the Bible! Although he is shy, he will work hard, clean, and do anything asked.

Fabiola is his sister. When their mother died, their father could not care for them, and sometimes, he left the children for days at a time with no food. He knew it was best to give them to Social Services.

Wilguens is known for dancing, “like King David,” in the Bible. He wants to be a mechanic and by the way he is going, he may do just that. Of course, lots of children “change course,” in their lives, but we are ready in any way to help him and we love him, Sherry

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