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Updates from the Mission Field

David George just sent us this update from the Mission Field in the Dominican Republic! Please read the details below:

The Life Church team from Ruston, LA, joined us for a week of working on our new security wall at our church in Villa Hermosa, Dominican Republic. We also blessed 2 bateys with food for hundreds of people and had games and face painting and singing and laughing. Hundreds of Haitian children were so blessed. We had a big “Kids Day” at our Love A Child church in Villa Hermosa and we had hundreds of Haitian and Dominican children that had the time of their lives. Our Sunday church service was the best that we have ever had. The presence of God was so amazing. We fed 250 people and gave 75 bags of groceries to precious families. Our Love A Child church is growing!!!

From Bobby, Sherry, Love A Child, Angie, and myself, thank you all for blessing us to bless others here in the Dominican Republic!!!

David George, Board Member with Love A Child

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