Urgent Need for Clothing:
We realize that not many people in the U.S. wear “church clothes” anymore. Nowadays, most everyone is casually dressed. But here in Haiti, all Haitians want “nice dress clothes” for church such as black shoes for the men and boys, and dresses and dress shoes for the girls and ladies. Men would prefer dress shirts with ties or suits. We get a lot of clothing donated but we are in desperate need of men’s dress shirts, ties, pants, and dress shoes. (Nothing over size 36” waist and no X-large shirts or pants… Haitians are smaller than we are.) We also need ladies dresses, any size from 14 down and dress shoes, preferably wider width, and any size.
Please, if you have these items send them to our Love A Child Office at: 12411 Commerce Lakes Dr., Fort Myers, FL 33913
Haitians will not go to Church in “flip-flops,” or tennis shoes, etc. They want to dress-up for church, it is their custom. Please help, if you have nice dress clothing, especially for men and women, teen boys and teen girls. God bless you. Bobby and Sherry