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URGENT! We just got word that another 5.3 earthquake has just happened in the very area where we are still helping people recover from the last earthquake which occurred just a few months ago. This new earthquake is essentially in the same area as the previous one and is just adding to the troubles the southern part of Haiti is experiencing. As you may know, our friend, Hubert, is there right now handing out emergency food supplies of rice, beans, cooking oil, etc. while he is overseeing the construction of the first 30 “Gabion” houses for the earthquake victims.

Please pray right now especially for Bobby and Sherry and everyone in the path of this added destruction and for Hubert and all the earthquake victims we are trying together to help. We will post more later as we can get updated information from the region that needs our help now, more than ever.

Rad Hazelip, Assistant Executive Director

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