Today Casimi will try again to pick up our 1,500 bags of premium rice from the port in Port-Au-Prince. He tried last Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. There’s too much danger on the road.
Please join us in prayer he will be able to pick up our container of rice and arrive back here safely.
May the angels be with him today.
Another update: Some of our workers have not been able to arrive to work here this morning due to gang activity on the road.
The Papaya gang has announced they are taking over many sections and controlling the roads. They are dividing up and spreading out. You also have the notorious G9 gang in Port-Au-Prince. I hear we have 72 gangs here now and growing. The police are underfunded, outgunned. We have a serious problem here.
The gangs are trying to take over the government. The Haitian people we work with are not a part of this. Haitians are very sweet, hard-working, and humble.
If the American government does not come in and help get rid of these gangs, the gangs will be in the presidential palace. They tried last week.
The people of Haiti and all of us missionaries need your prayers…
Through all of this, we are claiming Haiti for Christ.
Missionary Bobby Burnette