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“We Wait on God…” A Haitian Creole Proverb

“We Wait on God…” A Haitian Creole Proverb

It used to be easy, getting food to the hungry in Haiti. But in the last several years, it has become more difficult. There are now huge gangs controlling important areas of Haiti. They are spread all over… One of these areas is the Port where we buy our rice. Our driver, “Casimi,” has always considered this job as his job, to get the food and bring it to the Love A Child “Food Distribution Center.” But, between us and the Port, and between us and the Airport, is an area called “Croix-des-Bouquets.” When our driver picks up food at the Port, he has to make it through the gangs in that area, and he also has to get through the area of Croix-des-Bouquets. He has been trying for four days now. The food is in the container, and the hungry children are waiting for that food.

Everyday missionaries’ lives are in danger. They are spread out across Haiti, keeping in contact with each other to let us know where the gangs are and if it is safe to go to certain areas.

We share food each month with over 100 organizations. Sometimes, these missionaries cannot even make it to our place to pick up the food.

And, sometimes, we cannot get the food from the Port to bring it to Love A Child to share. As the Haitians say, “We wait on God.”

Somehow, God will protect Casimi and give him the wisdom to get this food to us, to share with hungry children. If you are reading this, then you can become our “Prayer Defense!” We will get the victory through our Lord! Sherry

P.S. Bobby just got off the phone with our Haitian Director, Nelio. He said “Casimi” will try again today!!

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