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Welcome Mark Ostrander

Welcome Mark Ostrander!

We welcome Mark Ostrander today to Love A Child. Would you believe this makes around Mark’s 450th trip to Haiti? This week, he will oversee the building of the Birthing Center. He will also start making the panel walls for the seven houses we are going to build in Miracle Village for families who live in the garbage dump. We love you Pastor Mark!

Pastor Mark will start preparing to pour the cement foundations for the seven houses. We will start building the seven houses on October 14th through October 19th. We are still in need of at least two or three more people to help with this construction project. Please contact the office in Fort Myers, Florida and let a staff member know that you are responding to our post. Please call 239-210-6107. Soon, seven more families will be out of the garbage dump! “Love Is Something You Do!” Bobby

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