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“When a Haitian Lays Down at Night”

There is a Haitian Creole Proverb that says, “When a Haitian lays down to bed at night, fear lays down beside him.”

Last night, late, the children from Pastor Claude’s Orphanage arrived at our front gate here at Love A Child in a panic!

Pastor Claude had gone to Cap-Haitien on business and left his orphanage kids with his workers. (His orphanage is about 15 minutes from us.)

Somehow, at night, the people on the other side of Claude’s orphanage heard “gunshots,” and everyone in that area screamed and left, running down the road for their lives!! That scared Claude’s children and workers and they got into two vehicles and headed for Love A Child!! Both vehicles broke down, and at night, while we were sleeping, “they all showed up at our front gate!”

Nixon, who works for us, got all the children and staff into some rooms near our clinic. They spent the night, and this morning, as we were getting ready to feed them, they wanted to go back home to their orphanage. They did not even wait for breakfast… so they jumped into our bus, and “George” (one of our older kids) drove them back to their orphanage!
Since the gangs are not far from us, we are on “high alert!”

We are still “boots on the ground,” and we need your love and prayers!

Thank you,
Bobby and Sherry

Posted in Latest News