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Who is My Neighbor?

We all know the story of the Good Samaritan. The story was told by Jesus, in Luke, Chapter 10. Sometimes we may ask ourselves, “Just who is my neighbor?” Your neighbor is the one that is suffering, and Jesus wants you to help him (or her). Since the gangs have invaded many areas of Haiti close to us, hundreds and hundreds of families have had to flee their homes. The “gangs” have taken over! When this happens, during the day or night, the family has to leave “with the clothes on their backs,” with their children. They can only take a cooking pot and usually a container for water. They wander the streets looking for a safe place to sleep… sometimes, under a tree, or a church porch, anywhere. They are hungry until somehow, they get a little food.

Recently, we were asked to help feed five hundred families who had fled the town of Ganthier, 8 miles from us. With the help of our partners, we bought spaghetti, macaroni, cooking oil, sugar, rice, beans, dry fish, spices, and packs of water. Each mother who came for food, got two “HUGE” sacks of food, so heavy, that they had to have help to carry it!! This food will last them one week and we will feed them again the following week. This food lets them know that “you” still love them and care about them. Just look at these pictures and know that you can “sleep tonight” because you have helped the poor! Sherry and I know that God will bless you according to Psalms 41:1-3… the seven supernatural blessings to those who help the poor! God bless you, thank you, and sleep well, knowing you have fed the hungry and God is well-pleased.

Bobby and Sherry

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