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Read Sherry's Journal - The Poorest of the Poor

Word from the Mission Field – 05-09-18

“How Much is Your Sacrifice?”
In Luke 21:1-4, we see the story of Jesus in the temple. And he looked up, and saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury. And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in thither two mites.” (Less than two pennies.) He tells his disciples, This poor widow hath cast in more than they all…” Shocking!
How could this be? Have you ever seen an actual “mite?” I have. Bobby bought me one when we were in Israel years ago. It is so tiny that I don’t have anything to compare it with. They were made by hand, individually. The man who was our guide told us that in Bible days, the widows were to go to the other side of the offering table where the priest was located. There, the priest would give the widows a little money. But this widow didn’t want to be in the “receiving line!” She wanted to be in the “giving line!” Shame on us all! It’s not “how much you give that determines the sacrifice, but how much you have left over after you give that determines the sacrifice!” Jesus said, “She gave the most because she gave all that she had!” Some day, I hope to meet her face to face! Stay in the “giving line.” Sherry

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