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Word from the Mission Field – 05-28-18

Word from the Mission Field – 05-28-18

“And this is but a light thing in the eyes of the Lord…” 2 Kings 3:18
This is the story of three Kings, putting their heads together, to go out to battle against the King of Moab. They were: the King of Israel, the King of Judah (Jehoshaphat), and the King of Edom. But, they got into trouble because after traveling seven days journey into the wilderness with their cattle, there was no water. They figured they would all die before they could even get to battle. They found the Prophet Elisha, and went to inquire of him. He told them to “make this valley full of ditches,” because God was going to fill the ditches with plenty of water for them and their cattle. And the Prophet also said, “And this thing is but a light thing in the eyes of the Lord.”
God is not only going to give you water in the middle of nowhere, but He will give you the Victory over the King of Moab. This is a great story. Read it and see what God did. Today, you may be praying and asking God to do something in your life, but be it known that whatever your problem, “This is but a light thing in the eyes of the Lord.” He is able to do much, much more! Have a great day! Sherry

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