“And who then, is my neighbor?”
Jesus told this familiar story in Luke 10:27-37. Jesus was talking to a young lawyer, who had asked the question, “What should I do that I may have eternal life?” Jesus said, “What is written in the law?” The lawyer answered him and ended with, “and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.” The lawyer then said, “Who is my neighbor?” That’s when Jesus told the story of the man that traveled the road to Jericho, who was beaten, robbed and left for dead. Three people passed by… a priest, a Levite, very religious, and finally a Samaritan. (Samaritans were considered “dogs.” They were looked down upon and hated, but it was the Samaritan, who helped the man who was left for dead.) Jesus then answered the question, “Who was the neighbor to the man who was beaten and robbed?” The one who showed mercy on him. Today, look for your “neighbor,” whoever he may be and help him, show mercy to him and show God’s love. “That is your neighbor.” Blessings! Sherry
![Word from the Mission Field – 05-31-18](https://cdn.loveachild.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/poor-hungry-child-Haiti-feature.jpg)
Word from the Mission Field – 05-31-18
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