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Word from the Mission Field: 1-25-19 6:00 AM

“When There’s No One To Put You In The Pool…”
And a certain man was there, which had an infirmity thirty and eight years.” John 5:5 – The city was Jerusalem. There was a feast of the Jews and multitudes were coming. Near here was a great pool called Bethesda. Once a year, an Angel came and troubled or moved the waters. The first one who got in was healed. One man tried again and again and again to find someone to put him in the pool. First, while he was trying to find that one person, someone else always got in right ahead of him. Isn’t that how life goes? Someone else gets the promotion you thought you had. Someone else gets the man or woman you fell in love with…someone else gets what you have waited on for years.
We have never known this man’s name. All we know is that a poor man, who had been lame for 38 years, had tried time and time again to seek someone to put him in the water. It happened that day when he met Jesus, who instantly knew everything about him. Jesus didn’t need an Angel to “trouble the water.” He was the “Master of the Seas!”
Jesus knows “that this is his chance for a miracle.” “Rise, take up thy bed and walk!” And he did! You may have been waiting for that miracle or prayer for many years, but when Jesus stops by, and He will, it will happen! Don’t wait on others “to put you in the pool!” Just wait for Jesus to come by! Sometimes, we depend more on others than we do on Jesus. Have a great day! Sherry

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