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Word from the Mission Field – 10-02-18

“God Can Use Whoever He Wants To…”
In the 4th chapter of Judges, we see that “Israel has sinned again and made God angry!” He let them be sold into slavery by Jabin, the King of Canaan. There was a woman judge, which is hard to believe because women in the Old Testament were not even visible. The name of the judge was Deborah. She had a little of “Judge Judy” in her DNA! She got tired of King Jabin holding the Israelites captive, and she called for a man named Barak to go and fight Jabin. And Barak answered Deborah, “I’ll go, if you will go with me, and if you don’t go, I won’t go.” Really Barak, you won’t go to war unless a woman goes with you?
So Deborah had to go to war with Barak against Jabin, the King of Canaan. The Bible said, “And the Lord discomfited Sisera” (the captain of Jabin’s army), which means the Lord fought the battle. Unfortunately, Sisera fled to the tent of his friend Heber, who had a sweet, shy wife named “Jael.” She invited the captain to come inside and rest. She gave him some milk and he went to sleep. While Sisera was sleeping, Jael went and got a nice big, thick tent nail and a hammer. She went softly in and hammered that nail right into the temple of Sisera! God used two women to conquer the enemy! “For the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7 – Sherry

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