The Rat Shack, “Full of Rats!”
When Sherry and I first entered the ministry, the Lord had told me to go and be by myself, to fast and pray for 21 days and nights. I was even trying to obey the Lord and do this before we were even married. I tried many times, but I would fast for 3 or 4 days, sometimes longer… then give up!
Then Sherry and I were married. After a while, I found a shack for me to “fast and pray in” by myself. I had no money, was broke, but walking by faith. Most of the windows were knocked out and it was cold. I had hung up blankets to cover the broken windows. I found a little kerosene heater to put inside. The shack had rats who would try to crawl into bed with me at night to stay warm! I would jump out of bed with a broom, trying to kill the rats.
I did obey the Lord and fasted for 21 days and nights just on water. This fast changed my life and made the groundwork for a solid ministry to preach the gospel and help the poor. I learned to “walk by faith, not by sight, not by feelings, not by circumstances, not by emotions, but by faith!”
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 11 Corinthians 5:7
This scripture means everything to me. Tomorrow I will share how important it is to walk by faith and not by sight. Your faith in God will see you through!!
Missionary Bobby Burnette