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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field


“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” Galatians 5:14

The rich young ruler has asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?” (Luke 10) Jesus said, “He that had mercy on him.” Our neighbor doesn’t have to be the “person next door.” It could be “someone you don’t know.” It could be “someone you don’t even love.” It could be “someone you just met in the grocery line,” or “someone you are sitting next to on the plane.”

Yesterday, we flew back to Haiti after having a meeting with some doctors in the U.S. about a “project” here in Haiti. As soon as I got to the orphanage, Peter, one of our workers, called me. He was frantic. I had sent him to Mon Deral to get some information on the children there, and when he was coming back he met a father, “crying his eyes out.” The father’s 17-year-old daughter, Louisiana, had gone to get water. All of the people who were buying water were piled into a huge, heavy transport truck loaded with many people. Louisiana was standing at the back of the truck, ready to get up inside with her bucket, when the truck lost control and backed up “on her foot,” crushing it!

Peter ran into her father, who had gone for help, and he was crying his eyes out because he had no money for a tap-tap nor for the hospital. Peter called me, frantically, saying, “Mom, please help!” He went on to tell me the whole story. I told him, “Peter, get her to the hospital and I will call and make arrangements.” Her foot will require many surgeries… it is completely crushed. Her father is poor, but “they are my neighbors.” I have never seen them, but they are my neighbors. Today, open your heart “wide” unto “your neighbor,” which may be someone you haven’t met and let God bless you! Sherry

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