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Word from the Mission Field

“A Still Small Voice”

Have you ever prayed and prayed and asked the Lord for a miracle, or asked Him what direction you should go? When I was young and in church, the pastor would tell us many times that God would give us a sign. Sometimes, the Lord did, but that was rare… I often thought that the Lord was not answering my prayer, because I was really looking for a “great sign…” Something l could not miss, because I would be sure that the Lord was speaking to me. But the Lord does not always move in this way. In fact, He does not always speak to us in a “loud voice,” but sometimes in a “still small voice.”

In 1 Kings 19:11-12, Elijah, the prophet of God, was waiting to hear from the Lord. The Lord passed by with a great and strong wind and rent the mountains! You would have thought that this was the voice. Then, an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. And after this, a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire, “a still small voice.” Sometimes, we may miss the “still small voice” because we are waiting on the strong wind, the earthquake, or the fire. The best thing is to “listen with your heart.” Then, you will be sure you are making the right decision!

Have a blessed day!

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