“Casting All Your Care Upon Him.”
Sometimes, this is not easy to do. Many of us choose to “carry our own loads.” I have been guilty of that myself. We struggle and struggle all the time… Jesus is there, wanting to carry the load for us.
We have done a lot of work in the mountains of Haiti. We have climbed some of the highest mountains, in the heat of the summer sun. I would start off, carrying my own backpack, because I hated to ask the poor Haitians to carry it for me. But when the summer sun got hot, and we were all exhausted, a little ole Haitian man, or a young child, or others, would come up beside me and say, “Please let me carry your load.” Then, they put the heavy load on their head, and walked “up the mountain,” with their hands swinging at their side.
Today, Jesus is walking beside you and He quietly says, “Let me take that heavy load for you.” The Bible says, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
Today, don’t try to carry that load all by yourself… Let the Lord, carry it for you. Have a blessed day!!!