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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“When we’re at our worst, God is at His best!”

The story of the Israelites and their battle with Pharaoh and the Red Sea has such a deep message… After 400 years of slavery in total bondage, being tortured, beaten, and many killed, they are set free by the God of Israel whom they have completely forgotten about. God chooses again “the most unlikely man” for the job… Timid Moses.

You would have thought that if God was really going to deliver them, the first thing he would do would be to “soften the heart” of Pharaoh! After all, haven’t you ever prayed, “Oh God, soften their heart and give me favor with them?” We all have, but instead, the Bible says that the Lord told Moses, “but I will harden his heart, that he shall not let the people go.” (Exodus 4:21)

Now why in the world would God do that? And all those plagues!! Then, of course, the Red Sea… The Israelites actually ended up “going the long way around” to get to the promised land, which should have taken a much shorter time.

Today, maybe you are facing “the wrath of Pharaoh,” or maybe even “facing the Red Sea.” God could have fixed this problem quicker and easier, but then you would not have recognized that “God still has a better plan…” And when we’re at our “worst,” God is at His best!

The Bible says, “for my strength is made perfect in [your] weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9) I put the word “your” in there because God doesn’t have any weaknesses, so He must be talking about “our weakness.”

God, in His wonderful plan, wanted to show His people, the Israelites, that He is still the “God of the way out!” So, today, when you’re at your worst, “God is fixin’ to do His best!”


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