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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

What a sad verse… “And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.” (Ezekiel 22:30)

The response should be, Lord, “here am I; send me.” (Isaiah 6:8)

It used to be that every child in the church wanted to be a missionary! I can remember the stories of the mission, as missionaries came to our little church in the countryside of Pennsylvania. However, one of them almost changed my mind… She was “extremely heavy,” had her hair in a bun and a wart on the end of her nose. She wore a funky dress, big ugly shoes, and needed deodorant! This little six-year-old thought, “If that’s what I have to look like to be a missionary, I don’t think I’m going to make it!” But through the years, the “calling stayed on the shoulders of me and Bobby” until we said, “Yes.”

Moving to Haiti during the embargo was tough, but I thought that it was “just a way of life” and quickly got used to no electricity, nothing good to buy at a grocery store, no planes flying in or out, no A/C, and most of the time, no fuel. We never complained… Nowadays, no one wants to give up their iPads, their iPhones, texting all day long, and missing out on restaurants, and things we have in the States. It is heartbreaking that it is difficult to find someone or some people who want to “take up the cross.” Haiti, like many poor countries, not only needs strong leadership, but a move of God, jobs, security, fuel, and access to health care and education. If the Lord has called you to the mission field, anywhere, I would urge you to say, “Yes,” to the calling. The wonderful things the Lord can do will always outweigh any hardships. If you are not called to go, then you are called to pray and give so that others will go. Have a wonderful day and remember missionaries in your prayers. Sherry

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