“And he said, Go again seven times.” I Kings 18:43
Back in the 1970s, there was a Bible teaching by some of the TV ministers that taught you to only ask God “one time” and that would be it… Ask and believe.
I could never quite get that. It seemed to me that “persistent faith” is what it always took. In I Kings 18, there was a great drought in the land. Elijah had just finished a contest with all of the false prophets. They had built an altar, and the false prophets were trying to call on their false gods to bring fire from heaven to consume their sacrifice, even cutting themselves with knives! They gave up! We know how the story ended… God rained fire from heaven and consumed Elijah’s sacrifices and his altar, proving that “He” was the real God! Now, Elijah tells King Ahad that he hears the “sound of abundance of rain,” even though they were in a drought! Elijah bowed himself down and prayed and told his servant to go look toward to sea (for rain). But there was no rain! And he said, “Go again seven times!” And on the seventh time, the servant saw a small cloud full of rain! Elijah could have given up after one time, but he kept praying with his head down and his face beneath his knees… And God answered! He sent rain!!
The story is told in Luke 18 of the unjust judge and the little widow woman. The woman needed “an answer” from the judge. She began to knock, and the judge said, “I will avenge her (make things right), lest by her continual coming she weary me.” (Luke 18:5) She would not give up… “One knock was not enough to get the job done!”
Bobby and I live in an orphanage with 80 kids and about 30 adults. I hate to hear that “knock on my door” when I am trying to rest or read my Bible, etc. If I don’t answer, they will go to the “other door!” Since I know they won’t give up, I get up, open the door, and give them what they need!
Today, you don’t need to think you are “bothering God.” He doesn’t get bothered. He loves faith! Faith pleases the Lord! So, go ahead and knock!!! Let God know you won’t give up until He answers!!! Have a great day and keep on knocking!!! Sherry