Angels are God’s messengers. There are different ways that angels may appear to us. They may appear looking like flesh and blood… You may think a human being is talking to you when all the time it’s an angel from God! An angel can even eat and drink with you. Abraham had three men come to him and give him a message, they even had something to eat with Abraham. They were not men; they were angels sent from god!! (Genesis 18:1-19)
An angel may appear to us in a dream… An angel came to Joseph in a dream and said, “take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.” (Matthew 1:20) Then, the angel told Joseph the story of Jesus!
An angel may appear to us in a vision. An angel came both to Cornelius and Peter in Acts 11:13 and 12:11. Read the story!
Angels are with us! We may see an angel this week! Bobby Burnette