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Word from the Mission Field

“When God Blesses You, You Are Blessed!”

In Numbers the 22nd Chapter, a battle is about to take place between Moab and Israel. Balak was the king of the Moabites. He sent for “Balaam,” a non-Israel prophet, to come and curse the children of Israel!

The king of the Moabites had offered him a lot of money just to “curse God’s people!” But God spoke to Balaam and said, “Thou shalt not go with them (the Moabites); thou shalt not curse the people for they are blessed.” Numbers 22:12

You can read the chapter to see how the wicked King Balak, offered everything he had so that Balaam would curse God’s people. But Balaam said, “Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and He (the Lord God), hath blessed and I cannot reverse it!” Numbers 23:20

When you’re blessed by God, you’re blessed! Nothing can reverse God’s blessings as long as we serve Him!


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