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Word from the Mission Field

Lomene… God Brings Down and God Lifts Up!

This is Lomene, one of the girls raised in our Orphanage. I will do another post on Lomene later today because her story is overwhelming! We first discovered Lomene when she was a tiny little girl. She had been a restavek slave child until we rescued her. We sent her to college and she will graduate next month as a professional cook!

In 1st Samuel Chapter 2: 7-8 you will see “Hannah’s Prayer.” Hannah was childless until she received a message from God that she would have a child! Her child was one of the greatest prophets in the Old Testament, Samuel. Hannah said, “He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill.” Look at Lomene… Only God could do this. God can “lift you up from your problem you are facing today!” Let’s Praise God now. He can do it when it’s time! Have a great day.


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