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Word from the Mission Field

Have you ever had a dream, a vision, or a plan that God has given you for the future? Can you see yourself doing something you have never done before, but you still “get the feeling” that somehow, someday, you will be doing something “completely different,” because God has given you a “dream?” When I say a “dream,” I am not talking about something weird that you have dreamed of… But it is something that has been in your heart that you can see yourself doing, and the “seed” has already been planted. God has given you a dream.

Now, you must realize that no matter what God has called you to do, it won’t come easy. There will be times when you may feel like “giving up,” but don’t be discouraged. God never “wastes a seed” that He has put in your heart!

Joseph had several “dreams.” God had given him the gift of “interpretation,” but, while he was a teenager, he dreamed dreams but could not yet understand them… His big mistake “was telling his dream to the wrong people.”

“And Joseph dreamed a dream, and he told it his brethren: and they hated him yet the more.” Genesis 37:5

Don’t let anyone or anything “steal your dream.” Keep your eyes on the Lord and be careful of whom you share things with. Your dream might not come to pass “overnight,” but if God has promised it to you, He WILL bring it to pass. Have a great day!


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