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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“The Fiery Trial…” (Part Two)

“Then on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw the place afar off.” Genesis 22:4

After three long days on foot, Abraham and his servant and his small son, Isaac, walked toward the mountain that God told Abraham to go to, to sacrifice his son… His only son and the son of “the promise.”

I try to imagine how Abraham must have felt on that long trip on foot… Each day was agonizing. He had not told his son what he was going to do… That was between him and the “God of Abraham.” But after three days of walking, he stopped. He looked up and saw Mt. Moriah in the distance. His heart beat faster… His whole body was in agonizing pain. He had never questioned God, but I am sure that when he stopped and saw that mountain in the distance, a pain went through his whole body. This was the place where he would have to sacrifice his son, as God told him to do. I can imagine that he must have stopped and wiped the tears from his eyes…

Every step he took towards that mountain was a step into a “fiery trial.” It was not only a “fiery trial,” but it was a test. He had left his own country with all of his family and traveled to a country unknown because God had told him to. He had faced trials on the way… Famine, no food, no water, battles with the enemy, but this was different. This was his “only son.” This was the “son of the promise.” This was no ordinary trial… This was a “fiery trial.” It was “a test from God.” But because he went through the trial, believing that God could still work a miracle, he obeyed, and God blessed him abundantly.

You may be in a “fiery trial.” This is no ordinary trial, but it takes every bit of faith you can muster up. Hang in there. Believe in the God of Abraham, and He will bring you forth as gold, and great blessings are “just ahead!” Sherry


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