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Word from the Mission Field: 2-7-19 6:00 AM

Word from the Mission Field: 2-7-19 6:00 AM

“What would you do without your big toe?”
Bobby and I love our partners, but they do not realize that it is not “Bobby and me” feeding hungry children, conducting mobile medical clinics, building Christian schools, and so much more in Haiti, it is “them…our partners that you have never seen.” It is the little widow woman who carefully wraps her check of $5.00 inside tinfoil and mails it in her envelope. It is the church janitor who works longer hours than usual. It is the “unseen part” of the body that is more useful. Apostle Paul wrote a letter to the Church at Corinth… One of the things he explained was that the “Body” is made up of many members, and if the ear shall say, “Because I am not the eye, I am not of the body; is it therefore not of the body?” 1 Corinthians 12:16 – “Nay, much more those members of the body, which seem to be more feeble, are necessary…” 1 Corinthians 12:22
Imagine what you would do if you lost your big toe? You would have problems with your balance, and yet we always think about our outward appearance. Your friends may say, “I like your new hairstyle!” Or they may say, “Wow! You must work out! You look great!” But, has anyone ever said to you, “You have a wonderful pancreas?” You cannot see it. No one can see it, but it does the job! You may feel “small” in the Body of Christ, but if you were not there, we would all suffer. So, no matter how small your job is, no matter if what you are doing goes “unseen or unrewarded,” just know that who you are and what you are doing is valuable. God put you there. Do what you do with all your heart and God will bless you in a “big way!” Do small things in a big way for God! Sherry

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