“Just Shut Up!”
His name was “Bartimaeus” but everyone called him “Blind Bartimaeus,” who sat by the roadside begging for alms. We don’t know how long he had been blind, maybe from birth, but one thing was evident, there was no cure for him… until he heard that this “Jesus of Nazareth,” was coming his way! He had heard of the miracles: the deaf hear, the lame walk, the blind see, and demons are cast out. He had “but one chance in his lifetime… just to get “one touch from Jesus,” and that’s all he needed.
But, as the tremendous crowds followed Jesus out to Jericho, surrounding him, Bartimaeus could not run to him or see to push his way through the crowd. He cried out as loud as he can, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me.” But, he is told to, “Hold your peace…” and to “Just shut up!” But, he cried out even louder, “Jesus, thou Son of David, have mercy on me!”
“And Jesus stood still.” Someone said, “he’s calling for you!” Blind Bartimaeus “threw off his clothes” and felt his way to Jesus. Jesus already knew what he wanted, but Jesus needed to hear it from Bartimaeus… “Lord, that I might receive my sight.” Jesus said, “Go thy way. Thy faith hath made thee whole.”
Today, you may be trusting the Lord for a miracle but perhaps there are people telling you, “It will never happen. Give up!” Maybe as you are talking, they might want you to “shut up!” But, just keep on talking, praying, believing, and pressing your way to Jesus!!! A miracle has “your name on it!”