“But none of these things move me…” Acts 20:24
Apostle Paul has been warned by the Holy Ghost that “if” he goes to Jerusalem, “bonds and afflictions” will come upon him. Knowing this, he still chose to go because he said, “Either count I my life dear unto myself, so that I might finish my course with joy.”
How is it with us Christians today? Are we willing to share Jesus with someone in the grocery store, on a park bench, in the ladies room of a restaurant, or anywhere we see the face of someone who really needs Jesus? He is not asking us today to do something great, but just something small. Yes, Apostle Paul was willing to give his life. What are we willing to do or give today, even if it is a sacrifice? Think about this as you look at those who are “looking at you” today. You may give them the answer to their problem. Sherry