“A Talking Ass and an Angry Angel!”
“Howbeit, our God turned the curse into a blessing.” Nehemiah 13:2
“When God blesses you, you stay blessed!” People can talk and curse you or “put a curse on you,” but it won’t stick! Nehemiah was referring back a thousand years ago to Balaam, the wicked magician, and pagan worshipper. He was greedy and would do anything for money. Balak, a King of Moab, hired Balaam, to curse the Israelite people. So, Balaam got on his ass (donkey) and headed out to curse God’s people and make some money. However, Balaam’s ass was more spiritual than Balaam was and on the road, the ass saw the Angel of the Lord standing in the road… the ass turns aside into a field, and gets a beating from Balaam. This happened three times and each time Balaam beat his animal! Finally, God opened the mouth of the ass, and he talked! He said, “why are you beating me? I have served you all these years…” Then, God opened the eyes of Balaam, and he saw the Angel! The Angel said, if “it weren’t for your ass, I would have killed you!” In other words, “your animal has more sense than you do! I should have killed you and saved the ass!”
Balak, the King, is very angry at Balaam because he has not “cursed the people of God.” He tries and tries to get him to CURSE the people of God, even through animal sacrifices. But Balaam, instead, prophesies blessings upon Israel…
Balak the King is so angry! He says, “What hast thou done unto me? I sent thee to curse mine enemies, and, behold thou hast blessed them altogether!” Numbers 23:11
Balaam’s final words were… “Behold, I have received a commandment (from God), to bless: and He hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it!”
In the 27 years that we have been living here in Haiti, there have been many Voodoo people who have tried to put spells on us and curse us! We have found “small coffins in our driveways,” and all other kinds of Voodoo things that witch doctors have put in our path, to curse us. But, it has never bothered us, nor made us sick, and we are still “very much alive, well, and blessed, indeed!”
Do not bother yourself with someone who says they are going to “curse you,” or “make your life miserable,” or “put Voodoo on you!” When God blesses, that blessing cannot be reversed, as long as you are serving Him! Satan is “under your feet!” Believe it! Have a great, blessed day! Sherry