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Word from the Mission Field: 3-8-19 6:00AM

Word from the Mission Field: 3-8-19 6:00AM

The God of “More Than Enough To Get By!”

I marvel at the greatness of the God that we serve… From the Old Testament to the New Testament, He would always do, “more than enough.”

When Moses led the children of Israel (estimated millions), years through the desert for 40 years, God fed them with manna from above… There was so much “left over,” that the people were told “not to take any excess but each day”, to “gather up the fragments that were left over,” and that God would give them each day, “more than enough.”

In the book of Ezra, when the Israelites were getting ready to rebuild their temple, God had even spoken to King Cyrus, who had captured them, and even to King Artaxerxes, (took over after Cyrus), that he should give the people, “whatsoever shall be needful for the house thy God… Which thou shalt have occasion to bestow, bestow it out of the king’s treasure house.” Ezra 7:21

In other words, God even spoke to the King, who was their ruler in captivity, to give them “more than enough” silver, gold, bullocks for offerings, wheat, wine, oil, etc. to build the temple and for sacrifices.

The widow in II Kings 4:1-7 was about to lose her two sons to the bondman, for money she owed. Elisha told her to gather and borrow all the vessels she could find until she ran out of vessels! The oil in those vessels was more than enough to pay her debt and keep her and her sons alive!!

In Luke 5:5,6 when the disciples were fishing and hadn’t caught anything, Jesus told them to “launch out into the deep and put down your nets…” and they did. They caught so many fish that it broke their nets and began to “sink their boats…” Luke 5:7

What is your need today? The Bible says that He is able to do “exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think…” Ephesians 3:20

So, why not ask God for “more than enough!” He’s not wanting you to have “just enough to get by.” He is bigger than that! He is the “God of more than enough!”

Have a great day and when God blesses you with “more than enough,” then, “bless someone else!” Sherry

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