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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

“For man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.” 1 Samuel 16:7

When I was little girl, my mother took all five of us kids to church on Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night. I always looked forward to Wednesday night, because Superman came on 30 minutes before we left for church! It was amazing to me that he could fly, but what got me was his “supersonic vision!” He could see through walls of steel!

But God’s eyes are not a make-believe story. His eyes see right through your new dress, your new shoes, that fancy new suit, and all that “stuff!” He looks straight through all that “stuff” and sees the heart!

When the prophet Samuel came to Jesse’s house, he was told by the Lord that Jesse had eight sons and that God had already chosen one of them to replace Saul, who was disobedient. One by one, seven tall, good-looking, solder-like men passed in front of Samuel, and each time God said, “He’s not the one.” The last one passed in front of him and Samuel thought, “That’s got to be him!” But the Lord said, “Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart.”

Finally, Samuel asked the father, Jesse, “have you any more children?” I can hear Jesse say, “Yes, but my young son…all he does is play harp and take care of the sheep.” Samuel said, “Go get him.” In came a young, boyish, handsome David, smelling like sheep. What God saw was not a boy playing a harp and caring for sheep… God saw a giant-killer! He saw “a soldier!” He saw the linage of the Messiah, coming down the line of David! He saw a king!

Today, people may look at you, and maybe they don’t think you will amount to much, but God has great plans for you! He never sees you “as you are!” He sees you as “what you will become!” He sees you as “more than a conqueror!”

Always remember that “what we see” isn’t real… God has those “x-ray eyes,” and He sees the heart!! Sherry

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