“Someone is Always Watching You…”
We always forget that we, as Christians, are constantly being watched. We don’t have to “wear a sign” saying that we are Christians… believe me, the world automatically knows. They watch our comments, our Facebook… they watch our acts of kindness, or maybe the lack of thereof. The world knows if we are Christians.
The Bible says, “Wherefore, seeing we are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily besets us…” Hebrews 12:1
People are watching you because they lack something, or they are watching you because they are capable of blessing you. When Joseph was cast into prison for something he did not do, “the prison guard was watching him…” and the prison guard was “capable of blessing him.”
Each day, do small acts of kindness. Let someone go in front of you. Offer to pay for something. Offer a kind word to someone who is hurting. Learn to be a giver and not a “taker.”
When we do this, great blessings will follow our lives… the arena is packed. We are running the race… the angels are cheering us on. Let’s lay aside every weight that would hinder us… Have a great day, and “keep on running.” “Someone is watching you!” Sherry