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Word From the Mission Field:  4-22-18  6:00 AM

Word From the Mission Field: 4-22-18 6:00 AM

“Did you know that God is ‘jealous’ of you?” You probably never thought about that, and neither did I, but Exodus 34:14 says, “For thou shalt worship no other God: for the Lord, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God.” Wow! He is “jealous” of you! He loves you so very, very much that He wants you to love Him back. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.” — Matthew 22:37 — Do you love the Lord as much as you do your friends? Do you spend “as much time with Him, as you do Facebook?” God is a jealous God. He wants your “quiet time” with Him. He wants to talk with you, and know your heart and bless you, but He cannot do it when other things distract us. Remember today, spend as much time “talking to God” as you do “talking to your friends on Facebook” and see if there are not wonderful changes in your life. We can make “anything” a “God.” But remember, our God is jealous of you because He loves you! So do we! Sherry

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