“As His Part is that Goeth Down to the Battle”
“For who will hearken unto you in this matter? but as his part is that goeth down to the battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff: they shall part alike.” I Samuel 30:24
I love the books of I and II Samuel, and I and II Kings, such great stories of miracles! In I Samuel 30, David has been running and hiding from Saul for years and he was tired of it. He decided to join himself with Achish, king of Gath. But, when King Achish and the Philistines went to war against Israel, the Philistines did not trust David to fight alongside them. After all, he had killed thousands of Philistines. So, King Achish sent him back home to Ziklag, a city given to David and his people, by King Achish, himself.
When David and his 400 men arrived back in Ziklag, they found that the enemy had invaded them while they were away, and burned the city, taking all the wives and children of all the men hostage, including David’s wives and children.
Discouraged, they lifted up their heads and wept. But David “encouraged himself in the Lord,” and went to battle against the enemy. He only had 400 brave men, 200 of whom were faint and could not make the trip. So, David told them to stay behind “and tarry with their things,” meaning take care of the home front.
So, David went to battle with 200 men, and with the Lord on his side, he won the battle! He recovered his wives and children and all the wives and children of his men, took possession of the flocks, the herds, the cattle, and all the spoil and headed home. When returned home, he began to share the “victory spoil” with the men who had to “stay by the stuff.” Some of the other men got angry and said, “We are the ones who went to battle, we should get all the spoil. We were the ones on the front line.”
But David said, “… as his part be that goeth forth into battle, so shall his part be that tarrieth by the stuff.” (I Samuel 30:24)
When Bobby and I are in Haiti, delivering food, caring for the orphans, conducting Mobile Medical Clinics, preaching the gospel, we know that you and your heart are always with us. The Lord says, “No matter if you are home or on the front lines, I will bless you the same, just as if you were there.”
Today, it is a pleasure for us to say that “WE” are in this fight together! We shall all “share alike” in each victory and in each soul!
Thank you and God bless you today!