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Word from the Mission Field

A Policy with Good Benefits

Looking for a good life insurance policy? We always try to check into the ones with the best benefits. Sometimes we think we have benefits until we read the small print, and the small print is not on our side. The Lord also gives us a policy. It is called the Word of God, and it has many benefits. No one can deny you of the benefits if you know that you have them.

Let‘s go to Psalms 103:2-5:

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits:
1. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities (sins);
2.who healeth all thy diseases;
3. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction;
4. who crowneth thee with lovingkindness…
5.and tender mercies;
6. Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things;
7. so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”

Wow! A wonderful God with a policy that says He will forgive our sins and heal our bodies! He will protect us and save us from destruction. He will cover us with His lovingkindness (favor) and He will be merciful to us. He will put good things in our mouth and give us the fountain of youth! What a wonderful policy! Why search around for anything else? And all we have to do is claim our policy!

Have a wonderful day and forget not all of the Lord’s benefits!


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