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Word from the Mission Field

“Is Anything too Hard for the Lord?”

Genesis 18:11… “Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age, and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women.”

The angel of the Lord had just visited Sarah and Abraham and told them that Sarah was going to have a baby, a son. Sarah was now “very old,” and way past “childbearing,” so she laughed within her heart, thinking, “could I have a baby, a son when I am very old?” That’s when the Lord said, “Is there anything too hard for the Lord?” And just like the angel of the Lord said, she had a son at the age of 90!

You see, God likes to do the “hard things.” If He did the “easy things,” no one would ever give God credit. In II Kings 20, King Hezekiah was sick. But when the Lord sent his prophet Isaiah with a message, saying that God was going to heal him, King Hezekiah said, “give me a sign.” The Prophet Isaiah said, “Well, do you want the sundial to go forward, “10 degrees?” (10 days). King Hezekiah thought, “I will make it hard for God. It’s easy for the dial to go forward 10 degrees, have God make it go back “10 degrees.” And it was done! The sundial went “back” 10 degrees, which meant “10 days!” They actually “lost 10 days” from their calendar!

God will do the easy things and the little things, but He loves most to “do the hard things!” So today, don’t be afraid to ask God to do “a hard thing!” And have a great day!



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