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Word from the Mission Field

Word from the Mission Field

All my life, I’ve always heard about the “calling of God” to “go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Couples have sold their homes, and people have left their jobs to move to the mission field…anywhere they felt that God wanted them to go. Many left “by faith” with no support, no money, no income to back them up (as we did). But somehow, the “calling” got ahold of us…

Jesus said, “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.” Matthew 16:24 But sadly, today, in this generation, there are fewer missionaries on the field every day. Why? Because no one wants to pay the price. I have never seen such a selfish, disrespectful generation, only thinking of themselves…not “all,” of course, but the majority.

This is definitely the “me” generation. Most do not care about the elderly or cutting someone’s lawn for free…or helping someone “just to help” and taking no pay. When it’s all about “me” and “I want it for free,” the Kingdom of God cannot move forward. No one wants to sacrifice these days…if they are on the mission field for a short term and don’t have “internet” they go all to pieces!

The “eyes of God” are still running to and fro throughout the earth for those who will answer the call…for those who will “stand in the gap” for the lost world…the hungry, the sick, and those who are bound. That’s why Jesus said to “pray that He would send laborers into the harvest.”

You may say, “what can I do?” You can pray and pray hard, that people will say “yes” to the calling. “Who shall I send, and who will go for me? Then said I, ‘Here am I send me!’” Isaiah 6:8 This is what we need…we need the ones who will say, “Here am I; Send me!” Today, we need workers in the harvest field, the countries that are hard to reach. God can do it! He can send a revival to our hearts!

Let’s pray!! Sherry

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