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Word from the Mission Field

What Time I am Afraid…

All of us have been in a position of “being afraid.” There have been times that we have broken down in the middle of “nowhere” here in Haiti and “scary-looking people have shown up there, “in the middle of nowhere!” The only way to defeat fear is to trust in the Lord! David knew “fear” too… He was running from King Saul for many years, but he said, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee.” Psalm 56:3

Today, we had to make an important decision… “Go and deliver food in one of the most dangerous places in Haiti” where children are starving, or stay home and let them go hungry. When you love someone, you trust him or her. Today, while you are reading this, we will put our lives in danger to deliver food to the most desperate area of Haiti…because we love the poor. We know God will care of us, even when we are afraid. We will “trust in the Lord!” Sherry

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