So, you think you want to be a missionary?
Read: Matthew 9:35-38
Sherry and I have seen many missionaries, or people who thought they were missionaries, come and go here in Haiti. There is a big difference between having a desire and having a true, true calling to be a missionary. If we only have the desire, and then it gets hot, everything goes wrong, and Voodoo is all around us, one may become discouraged. When money is tight, there’s death, starvation, and emergencies happening all around you, the desire quickly leaves. One who has the true calling of God to be a missionary will not be stopped.
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings […] that publisheth salvation…” Isaiah 52:7
There are fewer and fewer missionaries in the field each day. Many are called to do things for the Lord, and some are to become missionaries… crossing rivers, walking through a garbage dump, crawling on your hands and knees inside a cave facing bats, and crawling in human waste to save those living inside the cave in order to give them a new life.
FOCUS FOR TODAY: Whether or not you are called to the mission field, you should consider giving time to a third world country. Whether you go to preach the gospel, feed the hungry, help with a building project, or work in a Mobile Medical Clinic, your life will never be the same. It will be better…
It’s not a sacrifice, but a joy to say “yes” to Jesus…
Missionary Bobby Burnette