“For the Thing Was Done Suddenly.”
Some people are so slow to make a decision or get things done for the Lord… We knew a lady years ago who always so, so slow to make up her mind. If we had a team going to Haiti, she would keep everyone waiting, because she was “waiting on the Lord to tell her when to go or if she could go.” She was always, always trying to show everyone how “super-spiritual she was,” because she could not make a decision. She felt like “God had to come down and do everything for her!”
There were four lepers sitting outside the gate of Samaria. There was a famine in the land, there was a war going on, and they were lepers. They couldn’t have been in worse condition!
They could take a chance and go inside and get killed, or, they could sit outside and let the famine kill them slowly. They didn’t even have to think about it long… “Why sit here and die?” You know the story… they went in, and the people had fled the city. There was so much food, raiment, and jewels, etc. left behind. They had to make a sudden decision. You could say, “the thing was done suddenly!”
In II Chronicles, chapter 29, King Hezekiah decides to “clean house,” repent of sins, and get the whole nation together to sacrifice unto the Lord. The people began to do whatever they needed to do and they began to give offerings. “And Hezekiah rejoiced, and all the people, that God had prepared the people, for the thing was done suddenly.” II Chronicles 29:36
Don’t be afraid to make a decision. Don’t be afraid you will make the “wrong decision.” Pray about it and let the Lord lead you. “If” you do make the wrong decision, with a clean heart, the Lord can get you back on track… but, “don’t sit there until you die!”
Have a great day, make that decision, and “let that thing be done suddenly!” God is with you! Sherry