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Word from the Mission Field

“Judge Not.”

It is so easy for people to judge one another, especially Christians. Bobby and I were “very poor,” when we were married and we when started our ministry, preaching on the street corners, in projects, and many, many times, in African American churches. I found that when we were preaching in these areas, no one ever criticized what we wore, what we drove, or anything. A few years later, we began evangelism in churches, and then we pastored a church. That was my worst experience… my dress was “too short,” so I began wearing long dresses. They were too long. Some didn’t like my hair, so I bought a wig. Others didn’t like my wig… I either had not enough makeup on and looked “pale,” or had too much on.

Once, when Bobby and I were eating in a little restaurant, my mom’s “holier than thou” friend came over to us. The first thing she said was, “Sister Sherry, the Lord told me to tell you something…” My “antenna” went up immediately, because I wondered why God would send a blabbermouth like that, and not tell me Himself! She said, “you were wearing too much makeup,” etc. as if I was going “straight to hell!” This is a lady that never combed her hair and always looked like she “just got out of bed.” She had bad breath, a wart on her nose, and never wore deodorant.

I looked over to Bobby for support, but he had a “mouth full,” and besides, he didn’t want to get between two grizzly bears. I told her, “Sister ——–” it may be a sin for some of us to wear makeup, but it’s a bigger sin for some of us “not to!” She flew off in a huff before I could add, “every old barn needs a new coat of paint!” Let’s not be like the Pharisees… let’s let God handle all those people’s problems. The Bible says, “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged.” Matthew 7:1-2

We have enough problems “in the world,” without worrying about the “small stuff!” Have a great, great day!


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